Why is the Lotus flower so special to us at Modesty Hut?

Why is the Lotus flower so special to us at Modesty Hut?

The Lotus flower has an amazing will to live. It can be in the thickest of mud every night and yet refusing to be defeated it blooms beautifully against all odds the next morning full of grace.

This flower’s seed can withstand without water for years and still germinate and bloom to its full glory once placed in favorable conditions.

Lotus is the perfect symbolism for unwavering faith. No matter what trials and tribulations we face in this dunya we keep steadfast in our faith re-emerging from all tests only to be closer to Allah swt insha’Allah.

Some of us may grow weaker in our faith at times becoming neglectful of rites of Islam, but even years later the seed of Deen in our hearts calls us back to our Creator and we come back stronger than ever insha’Allah.

We hope you appreciate the beautiful Lotus flower as much as we do. 

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