The Providence Collection and sustainable manufacturing.

The Providence Collection and sustainable manufacturing.

In this article you’ll learn about the uniqueness of the fabric used to make your providence hijab.


The hijab is made from 100% biodegradable modal fabric derived sustainably from trees.

What does “derived sustainably” mean?

It means that the tree harvest process balances the needs of the environment, wildlife, and people —supporting decent incomes while conserving our forests for future generations. These types of forestry practices mimic natural patterns of disturbance and regeneration in forest eco-systems. So, this means that humans can enjoy their clothes made of natural fabrics, whilst the forest communities continue to flourish.  

Why should we care about sustainability?

Simply put, we cannot survive on this planet without forests. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, producing the oxygen we require in return. And by storing that carbon, forests help to regulate the global climate, absorbing nearly 40% of the fossil-fuel emissions we humans produce.

From the Islamic perspective, humans were appointed by Allah SWT as stewards of Earth and this responsibility is a trial for all of us. Muslims, in fact, should be at the front rows with environmental groups and activists lobbying governments around the world for tougher laws on environmental protection.

“It is He who has appointed you viceroys in the earth … that He may try you in what He has given you.” (Surah 6:165)

Another important point is that the modal fiber is a unique biodegradable textile material. As a natural cellulose fiber, modal fabric can be 100% biodegraded in soil by microorganisms and sunlight. The decomposition process does not cause any pollution in the environment unlike polyester that takes up to 200 years to decompose contributing to CO2 emissions (causing heating up of the Earth).

Plant-based Dye 

Our Providence hijabs are hand dyed with eco-friendly dye derived from plants. This means no toxic chemically-produced dyes went into your hijab or the Earth.

From the Quran:

“And Allah loveth not those who do mischief” (Surat Al Ma’eda, verse 64)

“And do no mischief on the earth after it has been set in order: that will be best for you, if ye have Faith” (Surat Al A’raf, ‘the Heights’, verse 85)

Eat and drink: But waste not by excess, for Allah loveth not the wasters (Surat Al-A’raf 7: 21).

“And do good as Allah has been good to you. And do not seek to cause corruption in the earth. Allah does not love the corrupters”, (Surat Al Qasas 28:77)

“Children of Adam, dress well whenever you are at worship, and eat and drink (as we have permitted) but do not be extravagant: God does not like extravagant people.” (Surat Al-A’raf 7:31)

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