My hair and scalp testimonial.

My hair and scalp testimonial.

My hair and scalp testimonial 

I transitioned to a shampoo and conditioner soap bar a year and a half ago. 

I suffered from an extremely dry, irritated, itchy scalp. My head had big clumps of skin and sores that were tender and sometimes bled because of the severe itchiness that I would get and the need to scratch all over the scalp. 

It honestly felt like I had crawlies all over my scalp.

I thought I might have scalp psoriasis at one stage as it wasn’t your usual dandruff. 

There is a family history of psoriasis and eczema on my mother’s side, and my daughter also had severe scalp psoriasis.

I tried everything from medicated shampoos, castor oil, and olive oils to different brands of commercial shampoos and conditioners to get some relief. The relief was like a bandaid for a couple of days then the itchiness would come back with a vengeance. Sometimes I would get flare-ups that were stress-related as well. It felt like a never-ending battle with no resolve. 

I struggled to wear a headscarf all day as my scalp was severely itchy, and I couldn’t scratch it in public, so when I got home, the first thing I would take off was my scarf and then scratch.

This is how I first got interested in wearing natural fibres and breathable fabrics.

Honestly, at one stage, it did cross my mind to take off the headscarf as it got worse.

This would have been devastating for me, so when the idea of having a natural shampoo and conditioner came about, I wanted to give it a go-to to see if it worked. I had nothing to lose as I had tried everything else. 

At first, it seemed very odd to use a soap bar. I always used liquid shampoos and never thought about using a soap bar on my scalp. I persisted anyway, as I was desperate to solve the problem I had suffered for years. 

It took a couple of months of using it consistently until I started seeing the results.

My hair and scalp needed the time to adjust to a new product to eliminate all the chemical coatings left on my hair by commercial and medicated shampoos. 

I’m proud to say that it did work beyond all my expectations. I am pleased that I no longer have an irritated, sore, itchy scalp. I can easily wear a scarf all day long and not need to take it off when I walk in the door. I sometimes forget I’m wearing it at home now. 

I no longer feel like I have crawlies all over my scalp or my scalp stings under the shower. This is all thanks to these shampoo and conditioner soap bars. 

It doesn’t feel odd to use anymore, and I love how easy it is to wash my hair. I find the soap bars last me a lot longer than when I was using a liquid form and cost me a lot less. It does vary depending on the frequency of use.

My husband washes his hair daily, which I love, and his hair feels soft and clean.

I wash my hair once a week, and the shampoo soap bar lasts my husband and myself approximately three months now and the conditioner about 4-5 months. 

I am 40 years old, and I’m proud to say that my hair and scalp have never been better since using these soap bars, and this is why I have these bars available at Modesty Hut. I even had a hairdresser comment on how healthy my hair was. It was a good feeling not being embarrassed anymore about my scalp at the hairdressers. 

I honestly believe in this product and would love to see the same results for other sisters who struggle to wear a headscarf with an itchy sore scalp.

These bars aren’t an anti-dandruff product nor a cure or quick fix for any type of skin condition, but there is so much natural goodness and high-quality oils in these soap bars.

You only need to try it for yourself, give it a go, and use it consistently to see if it works for you.

Everybody responds differently to hair products, but if I can help another sister out there with a similar issue to what I had and struggles with their scalp, that would make me so happy. Try it; what have you got to lose! 

The shampoo and conditioner bars are sold individually and as a set. You can check them out and read them on my website in the natural soaps and products section.

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