Discover ‘Modesty Hut’ Mobile Boutique

Discover 'Modesty Hut' Mobile Boutique

Discover ‘Modesty Hut’ Mobile Boutique

Discover ‘Modesty Hut’ Mobile Boutique – Your Destination for Stylish Hijab Fashion in Australia.

Our journey began in May of 2023, sparked by a moment of inspiration and determination following an injury at a festival.

We envisioned a convenient and stylish solution to make our hijabs online more accessible in Australia, and today, we are thrilled to share our latest venture with you – the ‘Modesty Hut’ Mobile Boutique.

The Genesis of ‘Modesty Hut’ Mobile Boutique, ‘Hijabs on Wheels’.

Our Story is one of innovation, resilience, and a desire to serve the community.

It all began when we faced an unexpected challenge while operating a pop-up market stall at a festival. It was during that time that we realised the need to pivot our approach to reach a wider audience while still providing our community with the quality hijabs and natural soaps they love.

Australia’s First ‘Hijabs on Wheels’ Concept

The ‘Modesty Hut’ Mobile Boutique is not just another retail venture. It’s a pioneering concept, the first of its kind in Australia, that we lovingly refer to as ‘Hijabs on Wheels’. This mobile boutique is designed to bring our products closer to you in a way that’s convenient, stylish, and truly unique.

A Successful Launch in Sydney

Our journey reached a significant milestone when we showcased our mobile boutique at the IFAM Convention in Sydney.

The response was nothing short of incredible, and we’re immensely grateful for the warm reception we received.

The excitement around ‘Hijabs on Wheels’ is growing, and we can’t wait to bring this unique experience to even more events in Melbourne and beyond.

Coverage by ABC News and Upcoming Documentary

In a testament to the impact of our venture, we’re proud to share that our journey has received attention from ABC News. Furthermore, we’re excited to reveal that we’ll be featured in an upcoming documentary exploring the lives of 2nd and 3rd generation Muslims.

It’s an honour to be a part of such an important project, and we look forward to sharing our story with a wider audience.

Thanking Our Supporters

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey.

Firstly, we offer thanks to Allah (swt) for opening doors for us and guiding us on our journey.

A special thanks goes to my husband, who has been my rock of support throughout this journey. His encouragement and belief in this venture have been invaluable.

To our friends and family, your belief in us and your words of encouragement have been nothing short of amazing. Your support has meant the world to us.

And, of course, to our loyal customers, to whom we owe you a debt of gratitude. This journey wouldn’t have been possible without your support and trust in our products. You’ve been with us every step of the way, and we are deeply thankful for your loyalty.

As we look forward to more adventures with the ‘Modesty Hut’ Mobile Boutique, we invite you to join us on this exciting path. Together, we’ll continue to make quality hijabs and natural soaps more accessible, one stylish stop at a time.

Thank you for being a part of this remarkable journey.

Mel xx

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Comments (2)

  • Helen Elmir Reply

    Maa shaa Allaah. Taaaeak Allaah sister. Congratulations on the amazing idea of yours. In shaa Allaah you are blessed with Aafiyah in this world and the next. Let me know when you are next in Sydney.
    In shaa Allaah you can showcase your products in Canberra one day. I don’t even think they have one Hijab shop there.
    I am sure the people there would benefit from your Mobile Hijam on Wheels.
    ❤️ from Helen

    04/12/2023 at 5:08 pm
    • mel Reply

      Thank you so much. I would certainly love to travel there one day InshaAllah. Thank you for your support. Means the world to me.

      10/12/2023 at 8:42 pm

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